Unexpected to Expecting
Your teenager told you that they are pregnant!... Now what?!
Has your 16 year old son ever handed you a piece of paper with his girlfriend's name on it, and a positive pregnancy result?... Has your 15 year old daughter shown you her own positive pregnancy test result, when you didn't even know there was a guy in the picture at all?!
If you can relate to either one of these situations, stick around.
You're in the right place!
(Click here for our free guide to the Top 9 things you should do when finding out your teen is pregnant)
Download our free guide!Hey There!
When it comes to teenage pregnancy, we have the experience!
In the summer of 2019, our newly 16 year old son told us that his girlfriend was pregnant. From there the roller coaster ride began! So many emotions overwhelming us! So many questions and fears about his future! There goes his dreams of playing football! He just barely got his license, how will he take care of a baby? We are youth leaders and pastors. What will the church say?!
We knew we had decisions to make. Would we “kick him out” like some people tried to chime in with? Or would we give them the support and encouragement we had counseled to other parents who had gone through a similar situation before us?
Through much guidance and prayer, and trial and error, we journeyed with them through this new life they had created, our granddaughter was born, and we started to settle in as this being our new normal… or so we thought.

Surprise number two! Eight months after our granddaughter was born, our FIFTEEN year old daughter told us she was pregnant! What?! We didn't even know there was a guy in the picture! Again, we had decisions to make. We already knew and loved our granddaughter, and we knew we would love this baby too, no matter how they would come into this world.
Again through much guidance and prayer, and trial and error, we walked this new journey with our daughter. She pressed through high school to graduate two years early, with her son being born a week after graduation.
We know life happens, even in ways we don’t expect it. Sometimes clinging to one day at a time is all you can do. That’s why we started this community and have resources to help parents and families like us get the support, tools and guidance that we needed when we went from unexpected to expecting!
We are here to help families of today’s world who have experienced the path of unexpected teenage pregnancy, either past or present, by providing a safe space to help them find their holistic healing and help to make their journey a better experience!
Teenage pregnancy is something that has been pushed into the realm of shame and condemnation for far too long!! Am I saying that it should be celebrated in a sense of encouraging teenagers to go out and get pregnant? Of course not! That would just be ignorant. But obviously you are here because this is already your situation and you’re looking for a solution… And hiding in a hole, or sweeping it under the rug isn’t it!
After all we have experienced with teenage pregnancy, and unexpected pregnancy in general, we have developed a strong passion to help people to walk through this journey to find their own healing and “new normal.”
Imagine you being your daughter’s person. The one who your daughter comes to when her friends are shaming her, or when her teachers are whispering behind her back.
Or the person who your son feels safe with because he knows that you have his back when the world is pressing in on him, asking him at every corner, “How is a 16 year old boy going to take care of a family?”
If you’re saying to yourself, “Yes! I want that to be me! But I don’t know how to get there!”
Great! Neither did we! But we learned! And we did!
As a parent to two teenagers having babies, I'm not gonna lie. It was hard. I found a lot of anxiety, fear, shame, judgment, unforgiveness, and so many intense emotions that encompass this situation. I had to learn that it was not about me! And I had to learn to choose forgiveness for myself, as well as my children, and, honestly, the situation as a whole.
And through this, I have to tell you, there is no amount of riches that can replace true inner healing, finding forgiveness, and living out peace through the chaos.
Whether you are going through it right now with your pregnant teen, or are still in the process of walking out your own healing from your own unexpected journey, and everything in between, we have the resources and a supportive community for you to share your journey without fear, shame, or judgment, and connect with people who know where you’re at. That’s priceless in itself!
Our desire is to see you and your family become all that they can be as you join a community who have walked the unexpected path of teenage pregnancy (either past or present), and help you turn your unexpected into more than you were ever expecting!

One of the biggest turning points for me that made me really realize the need for our community just so happen to come shortly after beginning the journey for now the second time of having a pregnant teenager.
It was around the Holidays and we knew that we were going to be around people that were close to us. This one particular person is one that we had known for a very long time. We knew we were going to be seeing her in a group setting within the next day or two, so we wanted to tell her ahead of time that our daughter was pregnant so it wouldn’t be such a surprise in that particular setting.
She had known about our son's situation already (and had met his daughter), but our daughter's circumstances were a little different, so it was always hit or miss on people's reactions there. When we made the announcement to her, she was definitely shocked. However, instead of reacting in a condescending way, she gave us more like passionate support.
She then went on to tell me that she had also been pregnant as a teenager, but was highly influenced to give it up, and that she wished that her parents felt like they had other options and support at that time. If they had, maybe they wouldn't have reacted in the fear that they did, and her outcome could have been different. She also told me that she had guilt when having other children, because why were these ones more important to keep than the one who she had given up all those years ago?
She went on to tell us that the support that we have for our children had been inspiring to her, and that she hopes that if anything like this situation would ever happen to her children that she would have the courage to do the same.
That wrecked me in a good way! It made me realize that we need community! We need people that will stand by each other, support each other, and elevate each other so that we can be the best for our families, no matter where they are on their teenage pregnancy journey. We’ve been where you’ve been and we know where you’re at!
Whether your teenager is pregnant right now, or you had your own teenage pregnancy 20 to 30 years ago, we have the community you need and the experience you can trust to help guide you through your "new norm" to help you find your peace and freedom.

After realizing the impact that our story has had on people that are close to us, and their own experience with their teenage pregnancy journey, we knew that having a community of support would impact so many other people that have similar situations, and help change their life as well!
That is why we started Unexpected to Expecting!
We are here to help families of today’s world who have experienced the path of unexpected teenage pregnancy, either past or present, by providing a safe space to help them find their holistic healing and help to make their journey a better experience!
We know how amazing the outcome can be! Imagine owning true joy and restoration for your family! And walk proudly into this new season, knowing that new life is here, not only for the baby, but for you and your family as well!
You can get full access to the Unexpecting to Expecting community and resources to make your unexpected journey a better experience than you could have ever expected!
Imagine You Could...

Restore and re-connect with your teen!

Find forgiveness when you don’t know if it’s possible!

Exchange shame for true joy!
Unexpected to Expecting Membership

We take our members through the paths we walked to learn how to let go of the pain in the mistakes and find joy in the greater purpose!

Reconnect with your teen in a new and healthy way, no matter where they are on this unexpected journey.

Let go of the shame and embarrassment of the situation, and replace them with inner peace and true forgiveness.

Find peace in your situation so you can have a healthy mindset and true inner healing and forgiveness.
But this is not just another course you take on your own!
You Are Not Alone
The Unexpected to Expecting experience is an interactive and collaborative experience!
You will join other people who have been where you are inside The Unexpected to Expecting Community!

Imagine being surrounded by people who cared about your success...
Who cheer you on when you win...
Pick you up when you fall...
Hold you accountable...
Encourage when there seems to be no hope...
A group of people on a mission to take control of their lives, change their family's future and leave an inheritance to their children's children!
When You Join The Unexpected to Expecting Membership, You Will Get Instant Access To:
Unexpected to Expecting Online Community - Where connection and support unite to create incredible energy, validation and healing.
- Unexpected to Expecting Weekly Community Mindset Calls - Start the weeks off in the right direction while tackling the area of our mindsets.
Unexpected to Expecting Monthly Members Only Call - Come hang out with Trina and Jason and our community. Q&A's, special guests, and new trainings happen every month!
Unexpected to Expecting Private Forum - A safe space to ask questions, share stories and connect with our community at any time.
- Unexpected to Expecting Weekly Group Coaching - Come join other people in a group setting once a week who understand the same path you are on, working towards a better future together. I personally love group coaching because it gives people a chance to ask questions that others might be too scared to ask, or maybe hadn't thought of themselves, but are extremely helpful in the healing and living process for everyone.
Unexpected to Expecting Online Program - Coming Soon! (Our goal is to build what our community wants, so when you join UTE, you get to be part of the ongoing curated content). To include 5 modules containing 3-4 short videos each. These will guide and support you at your own pace.
Unexpected to Expecting Workbook - Coming Soon as well! These are in the form of printable worksheets and can be used to follow along with the videos, or at your own pace. These contain the exercises that enable you to do therapeutic work that heals.
- Unexpected to Expecting E-book - Coming soon! We are putting together pieces of our best content that will be available to you as a quick reference as we build and grow!
- *Note: Group coaching is only offered on the second and third pricing tier.
Charla R.
"I have known Trina, Jason, and their family for close to 15 years. What I appreciate most about them is their openness and willingness to walk beside others in the trenches, because they have been there too! As a mother of 7, I know how "messy" life can get and when faced with the most unexpected circumstances I reached out for their wisdom, knowledge, and support. They truly love others.....no judgment, just Jesus!" - Charla Ricciardi, Education Director, LifeChoice Pregnancy Care Center
Mikayla F.
"Trina and Jason have done a great job walking with two of their teenagers through teen pregnancy. They have taught them, guided them, and tried to lead them in the best paths, despite the difficult circumstances. Due to their experience in this, and the way they handled it with such grace and love, I feel they would be great people to turn to when dealing with teen pregnancy."
Our passion is to help families of teenage pregnancy find hope in their Unexpected and live a life of joyful Expecting!

Learn how to exchange shame and guilt for restoration and connection! We will have an ongoing curated library of resources, and have organized them into a simple to follow videos!

Connect with our community! Ask questions, get answers, and have fun in our community forums. They are open 24/7/365. Never go it alone again!

Get unlimited accountability with our weekly Q&A calls! Each week you can join us from the comfort of your own home, ask us anything!
Learning to make the greater exchange from shame to restoration (Just Like We Did)
Coming Resources will include...

What Happens When I Sign Up Today?
You'll learn how to login and we will show you exactly how to get the most out of your purchase!
We'll also send an email with your username and password so look out for it!
That's instant access to training videos, courses, how-to workbooks, and Q&A's!
No matter where you are in your journey, we have a resource for your next step!
You can ask questions, comment, and join the discussion in the forums as soon as you join!
It's Time to Change Your Family's Future...
You can keep living the status quo, or you can take action and do something to make your family's future better! Imagine taking hold of your situation so it no longer has a hold on you!
Wouldn't it be amazing to know that the initial shock that you felt in the beginning could be replaced with true joy and tranquility? And that the relationships that you thought would never be the same could turn out stronger because you grabbed hold of the situation and worked through it?! It's possible!
We can show you the path to get there when you join today! No long-term contracts, cancel monthly plan anytime! Let's do this...together.
Click to Start Now

Let's go!
"You are why we do what we do! We know how amazing the outcome can be! And we want you to own your true joy and restoration of your family, and be able to walk proudly into this new season, knowing new life is here, not only for the baby, but for you and your family as well!
We are so excited to take this journey with you! Your next step is to join Unexpected to Expecting community today!“
Trina and Jason Gilmore
Founders, Unexpected to Expecting, LLC
Click here for our free guide to the Top 9 things you should do now when finding out your teen is pregnant!
Download Our Free Guide!